- The Daily Alert: The Daily Alert contains synopses of articles and links to the full versions. It's worth looking through their archives.
- PRIMER's own resource list: The PRIMER web site contains a general list of resources for activists. Most of the sites cited have additional very useful information.
- The IDF's YouTube Channel
- Israeli Embassy
- The Israel Project
The Connecticut Congressional Delegation
The Connecticut Congressional Delegation may be found on the
Connecticut General Assembly website, which contains links to the official pages of each Senator and Congressional Representative.
Inconvenient Truths the Anti-Zionists Don’t Want You to Know
PRIMER's president emeritus, Alan Stein, spoke on this topic at the University of Connecticut. Here are a handful of inconvenient truths. Click on one of the links below to read a longer list or to read the text of his remarks.
Zionism is, at its essence, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people.
Anti-Zionists deny the right of the Jewish people to our own nation.
Denying that right to the Jewish people, while promoting it for others, is anti-Semitic.
Until relatively recently, the people today calling themselves Palestinians were insisting they weren't Palestinian.
The PLO has never removed the articles in its charter calling for the destruction of Israel.
Read More
Read Text of Alan Stein's Talk
Anti-Israel Fanatic Makes a Freudian Slip
Sometimes even anti-Israel fanatics unintentionally say something truthful. Here's an example from several years ago, when Mazin Qumsiyeh was busy protesting outside a program of the Yale Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism, which is no longer affiliated with Yale and is now the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP).
Intending to blast the speaker, lawyer and human rights activist Alan Dershowitz, Qumsiyeh praised him until he was interrupted, reminded he wasn't there to tell the truth and reversed himself.
You can check it all out on this YouTube videoPrayer for the Israel Defense Forces
A Different Version in English
May He who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces and the security personnel who stand guard over Israel and the cities of our God, from the Lebanese border to the Egyptian wilderness, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the edges of the desert - or wherever they might be - on land, in the air, or at sea.
May God cause our enemies who attack us to suffer defeat at the hands of the troops. May the Holy One, blessed is He, shield and protect them from any adversity of anguish, any ordeal or suffering, and send blessing and success to everything they do. May He bring those who hate us under their sway, and glorify the forces with the crown of salvation and the mantle of victory, so that the verse, "The Lord, your God marches with you to do battle for you against your enemies and to save you," will be fulfilled through then, and let us say Amen.
Revealing Quote
"The U.S. and Israel and other regional powers were generous enough to provide Fatah security with very good weapons, and now they are in our hands." — Hamas gunman.
Food For Thought
"Israel is the only country whose very right to stay on the map is
constantly questioned.
"The true reason is simple: Israel is a Jewish state. This is the
reason it is loved by many, and this is the reason it is hated by so
many as well. Democracy and human rights are just the popular ways
to justify the hatred, since Western society seems to be sensitive
to these two issues nowadays."
Posted to the Jewish Faculty Roundtable discussion list by George Kaminski (kamin1ga@cmich.edu).
PRIMER has its own blog. PRIMER members are invited to contribute. The entries represent the personal views of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by PRIMER.
Media bias and misinformation frequently characterize what is reported about the state of Israel in the American press and around the world.
This practice, when left unchallenged, negatively molds public opinion, which steers public policy, and can adversely affect Israel's well being and continued existence.
PRIMER — Promoting Responsibility in Middle East Reporting — is dedicated to countering media bias and misinformation on a regional basis. PRIMER-Connecticut focuses on generating
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR and periodically publishing TREND REPORTS in which PRIMER analyzes a newspaper's coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
PRIMER also maintains a list of spokespersons able to speak knowledgeably to the media on matters relating to the Middle East.
Collectively, Regional Groups Can Make a Difference!
Regional groups with as few as a half dozen active members can help promote the shared interests of America and Israel and can make a big difference. PRIMER-Connecticut anticipates the creation of a network of regional monotoring and response groups across the country and is eager to assist in establishing other regional groups for effectively Promoting Responsibility in Middle East Reporting.
PRIMER-Connecticut also generates op-eds promoting the pro-Israel viewpoint.
The reality about civilian casualties generally ignored by the press. |