"A huge lie repeated often enough is accepted as truth." — Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister PRIMER-Connecticut "Unanswered media bias and misinformation repeated often enough is accepted as truth." — PRIMER
"This is the first war in history which has ended with the victors [Israel] suing for peace and the vanquished [Arabs] calling for unconditional surrender." — Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban following the 1967 Six-Day War.

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Promoting Responsibility in Middle East Reporting in Other States

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PRIMER is an acronym for Promoting Responsibility In Middle East Reporting. PRIMER-Connecticut monitors the newspapers and other media in Connecticut and alerts its activists when biased and error-filled items are published.

PRIMER is a non-profit, nondenominational educational organization created to monitor the accuracy and fairness in the reporting of events in the Middle East, with the mission of identifying Middle East inaccuracies, misleading statements and biased reporting, educating its membership and the public by providing factual material to the public to cor- rect such misinformation. PRIMER has the further mission of educating its membership in the techniques of monitoring, recognizing, and responding to Middle East inaccuracies and misinformation and educating the public through publications, seminars, meetings and other means about misinformation, bias and sources of factual information on the Middle East.

To join PRIMER, click here.
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For more information about PRIMER-Connecticut, send email to info@primerct.org

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